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Dependency Inversion Principle

  1. ProductServiceBeforeDIP
namespace ConsoleApplication1
    public class ProductServiceBeforeDIP
        LinqToSqlProductRepository _productRepository;

        public ProductServiceBeforeDIP()
            _productRepository = new LinqToSqlProductRepository();

  1. ProductServiceAfterDIP
namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class ProductServiceAfterDIP
        IProductRepository _productRepository;

        // using constructor to passing dependecy
        public ProductServiceAfterDIP(IProductRepository productRepository)
            _productRepository = productRepository;

        public void GetAll()
            // getting data

    public interface IProductRepository
        void GetAll();
  1. Demo
namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //1. using LinqToSql as data provider
            ProductServiceAfterDIP productService = new ProductServiceAfterDIP(new LinqToSqlProductRepository());


            //2. using EF as data provider
            productService = new ProductServiceAfterDIP(new EntityFrameWorkProductRepository());


    public class EntityFrameWorkProductRepository : IProductRepository
        #region IProductRepository Members

        public void GetAll()
            // getting data with ef


    public class LinqToSqlProductRepository : IProductRepository
        #region IProductRepository Members

        public void GetAll()
            // getting data with LinQtoSql
