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Using form authentication with asp.net identity side by side

If you want to use form authentication and asp.net identity and in your web config

then with a little trick you can use both, the same time
public class ChallengeResult : HttpUnauthorizedResult
    public ChallengeResult(string provider, string redirectUri)
        : this(provider, redirectUri, null)

    public ChallengeResult(string provider, string redirectUri, string userId)
        LoginProvider = provider;
        RedirectUri = redirectUri;
        UserId = userId;

    public string LoginProvider { get; set; }
    public string RedirectUri { get; set; }
    public string UserId { get; set; }

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
        // HERE
        // this line did the trick
        context.RequestContext.HttpContext.Response.SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect = true;

        var properties = new AuthenticationProperties() { RedirectUri = RedirectUri };
        if (UserId != null)
            properties.Dictionary[XsrfKey] = UserId;

        context.HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.Challenge(properties, LoginProvider);

reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19893718/mvc-5-external-authentication-with-authentication-mode-forms